Kids lunchbox with sandwich pretzels cucumber and lollies
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Food & Cooking

How to pack a lunchbox like a pro

Does the thought of packing lunchboxes on a Sunday night conjure up cartoon bluebirds for you? No? Can you barely suppress your urge to express your joy through song? Still no? More like an audible groan and the sudden need to self-medicate with whatever sugar is at hand? I hear you. Put down the biscuits and come with me – help is at hand.

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Child messy eating healthy kids meal
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Food & Cooking

Kids’ Nutrition: how to make sure they’re getting enough of every food group

The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend that adults and children enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods every day from the five food groups.

Children develop their attitudes to food at an early age, and it’s important for parents to model healthy eating habits and an appreciation for fresh, nutritious foods. Encourage your children to participate in food shopping, meal planning and cooking whenever possible. There’s a far greater chance kids will eat healthy meals that they feel they have been involved in selecting or preparing.

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Danish Cuisine, Denmark, News, Norway, Norwegian Cuisine, Sweden, Swedish Cuisine

Stay Healthy the Scandinavian Way

In 2016, Scandinavian countries (including Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland) ranked in the top 10 countries when it came to happiness. People within these societies were found to be more generous, healthy, and social. There are many ways Australians can improve their happiness and wellbeing by implementing Scandinavians practices into their daily lives.

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Shrove Tuesday Buns from Estonia Photo by Tuuli Mathisen
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Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Food & Cooking, National Holidays, Norway, Sweden, Traditions

Shrove Tuesday Scandinavian Way – Sledding, Eating Whipped Cream Buns and Flogging People with Birch Twigs

Shrove Tuesday Buns from Estonia. Photo by Tuuli Mathisen 

The Day before Lent* (40 day period of fasting and repenting, originating from Christianity) is internationally known as Shrove Tuesday across the world. It is called “Mardi Gras” in France, “laskiainen” in Finland, “Carnaval” in the Netherlands, “Vastlapäev” in Estonia, “Fettisdagen” in Sweden, and “Fastelavn” in Denmark.

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